It's been a while since you heard from me on this platform, but I've also been quiet on social media, although I've been far from idle.
Since a bit more than a year I'm back in Germany and so much has happened in such short a time. It's hard to believe that it's November already! Time truly flies, especially when there's a lot going on.
During the past few weeks I felt a bigger change for Gaia's Healing coming, but I couldn't say what it would look like. Now things are getting more clear. Talking to friends has helped a lot and I consider myself such a lucky person to have the most awesome people around me. They cheer me on, inspire and acknowledge me for who I truly am and that is such a gift! So little by little I'm taking steps into what is yet unknown.
A change will be for example that you'll get notified by Mailchimp in the future about new blog posts.
You don't have to do or change anything to still receive notifications. I decided to switch it over to Mailchimp simply, because there it's easier for me to target specific groups for posts which I write sometimes only in German, sometimes only in English. So from this post onwards, you'll get only a mail, if a post was published in English.
Step by step I'll also make the change visible on the homepage, which has so far been going on "only" inside of me.
Egyptian Mysteries
Thanks to working in the Egyptian Mysteries I've received so many wonderful messages and insights. Just yesterday Seshat gifted me the most amazing Chakra Star Activation and I really want to start sharing such things with you and others!
Honestly I am nervous about this! Here in Germany I couldn't find teachers I resonate with in this field and also no other teachers that I feel like following. So I've decided to become the mentor I would like to have myself. How goes the saying? "Be the change you want to see in the world." So here I come!
There are a lot of ideas I have in mind, but I'm not sure how to unravel it all yet. It's very important to me to deliver my way of working with and in the Egyptian Mysteries in a way that feels entirely authentic and right to me.
What I can guarantee you is that my work will always be grounded and connected to Gaia. There will be no theatrics or drama. I created Gaia's Healing to support others on their way, so that all of us can become more aware of our connection to Mother Earth. That will always be the core of my work.
Wich is also why my beautiful logo will stay and even after two years of seeing it every day I'm never tired of it and I'm glad to have received the impulse to keep it on this new journey ahead.
I'm curious to see who of you will continue to be with me!
Yours, Mandy