The homepage is finally back in bilingual mode! For three years I've been back home in Germany now, tried different things, am still figuring them out as I go step by step, but one thing has become abundantly clear within the past couple months: The importance of offering contents for everyone again, who doesn't speak German.
When I got back, after spending eleven years abroad, I realized that there were only a few people offering akashic readings in Germany, so it became my mission to focus on my ancestral lineage and to make this kind of energy work available in my home country.
Energies here are so different. Very earthy and grounded to a point, that they can feel like heaviness. It is good to be grounded! But it's also important to be balanced. Regaining MY balance took some time. Getting used to living in Germany again took some time. Now I truly feel like being rooted in a way which allows me to reach up and out.
Apart from offering the homepage both in German and English, I also want to post on my English Instagram page @gaias_gal again. I've never been someone to post daily content though and never will be. If you're familiar with human design, knowing that I'm a Projector might help you to understand my way of working. I simply haven't got the energy to post regularly, nor do I think that's necessary. Especially since my work for Gaia's Healing is not my full time job and I'm not planning to make it so.
Rather than being a full time spiritual teacher, I've come to understand how crucial it is, to have spiritual minded people in all areas of work and life. Being fully awake, having talents beyond the 3D realm, doesn't mean one's supposed to make a living off that.
Working in a crystal store enables me to get in touch with so many more people and to be right in the middle of the collective energies, rather than living in my spiritual bubble, surrounded by kindred spirits only.
If you look back at the past three years, what were some of the lessons you learned? I'd love to hear about your experiences in the comments, or send me a message!
Yours truly,
Mandy from Gaia's Healing